Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

It is officially 2012!!!!  And Happy New Year Everybody!!!!  This year was very low key for me, chicken parmesan for dinner with some homemade focaccia bread.  Watched an episode of Grimm and a few episodes of Bones, drooled over some seed catalogs and played with my dogs.

I can remember, not so long ago, when we had a bigger to-do on New Years Eve.  I remember one year missing the ball drop because we were too busy playing Apples-to-Apples.  I can remember a couple years running up and down the street with sparklers shouting "Happy New Year!".  I remember when my little cousins would stay and celebrate with us.  I remember having Smallville marathons in the freezing cold garage and moving into my bedroom when it got too cold.  I remember watching and making fun of High School Musical when we were all so tired we were tripping over each other.  Now, I look to the future.  This year was low key, next year could be as well.  But there is always something to make each New Year's Eve and Day memorable.


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