Saturday, December 3, 2011

KnitPicks Podcast

I have recently become addicted to the Knit Picks Podcasts.  I’m not exactly sure what the appeal is, since I don’t knit very much.  It must be all the chatting about yarn, dying, spinning, and interviews with authors.  I checked out the website and they have so much amazing yarn.  The only downfall is that I can’t snuggle with it before I commit to buying.  Their prices aren’t bad either.  I really love that (at least for now) there is FREE shipping for order over $50!  And that is not a hard number to hit!  
I was listening to an old podcast from July 3, 2008, it was an interview with Gale Zucker the photographer for Shear Spirit.  I have yet to check out the book but I loved the interview!  Kelley, the podcast hostess, asked Gale if she could have any livestock in on a little farm what would she have.  Her answer to my great delight...alpacas and goats!  I was pulling some bread out of the oven and when I heard that I started laughing out loud!  I thought I was the only one on this planet that was that crazy to pick that combination of livestock.  I was happy to hear I’m not the only crazy person on the planet.  
I will eventually buy some Knit Picks’ yarn, but until I have some disposable income, I will be content with what I have and enjoy listening to the podcast.

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