Sunday, May 23, 2010

County Fair Season is Upon Us!

This weekend has been crazy! Friday was spent organizing the garage (and finding out about more tools than I ever knew we had) and facing a major disaster the day before my entry to the County Fair was due. Saturday was spent at the County Fair grounds helping to check in exhibitors and their exhibits, running kids back and forth for interactive judging and going on an unsuccessful hunt for fresh picked strawberries from any roadside stand. Sunday (that would be today) was spent at a new church (with no one that I knew), I successfully hunted down my fresh strawberries, then I went on to make strawberry jam and a strawberry crisp. And then tomorrow I’m due back at the County Fair grounds to help set up the indoor exhibits for the Fair! I love County Fair time! I don’t currently have any book reviews for county fairs, but I just ordered a bunch from the library that I’m going to check out and read and I’ll update on those soon! God Bless

I just though of this...a really good County Fair song that comes to mind has to be "I Like It, I Love It" by Tim McGraw!

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