Sunday, May 23, 2010

County Fair Season is Upon Us!

This weekend has been crazy! Friday was spent organizing the garage (and finding out about more tools than I ever knew we had) and facing a major disaster the day before my entry to the County Fair was due. Saturday was spent at the County Fair grounds helping to check in exhibitors and their exhibits, running kids back and forth for interactive judging and going on an unsuccessful hunt for fresh picked strawberries from any roadside stand. Sunday (that would be today) was spent at a new church (with no one that I knew), I successfully hunted down my fresh strawberries, then I went on to make strawberry jam and a strawberry crisp. And then tomorrow I’m due back at the County Fair grounds to help set up the indoor exhibits for the Fair! I love County Fair time! I don’t currently have any book reviews for county fairs, but I just ordered a bunch from the library that I’m going to check out and read and I’ll update on those soon! God Bless

I just though of this...a really good County Fair song that comes to mind has to be "I Like It, I Love It" by Tim McGraw!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Saturday my dad made this amazing garlic olive oil for some tri-tip sandwiches and we have a ton left over. He's been on me to make more bread to use for dipping. So finally today I did, it is currently baking in the oven. I use a really simple recipe water, yeast, all-purpose flour and salt, that's it! I got it from one of the heaviest cookbooks we own How To Cook Everything by Mark Bittman
This cookbook was actually the cook book that introduced me to homemade breads!

The best part about How To Cook Everything by Mark Bittman is that the book is set up for the most beginner cook. It is the perfect cookbook for the college dorm! So for all those high school seniors graduating and going off to college this year, this is the book for you!

The book includes sections on equipment, about the difference between different types of pots and pans, knives, food safety, the basic equipment needed in your kitchen. It explains different methods of cooking, like grilling, roasting, stir-frying, and more! Then it goes into appetizers, soups, salads, pasta, grains, breads, pizza, sandwiches, fish, poultry, beans, veggies, fruits, desserts, and the list goes on and on! I have seriously read this cookbook like a novel! It is amazing!

I cannot say enough good things about this book! We acquired it somehow many years ago (I can't remember how...), but it is a cookbook I would rather not live without.

I've become so involved with writing this I almost didn't notice the most intoxicating aroma coming from my kitchen right now, my simple french bread is about to come out of the oven! Oh the heavenly smell and taste of fresh homemade french bread.

For this particular bread it is excellent with spagetti, as sandwiches, and of course dipping in garlic olive oil! Enjoy and God Bless!

Shire Ranch

I've been thinking that I should probably tell you a bit about Shire Ranch. Shire Ranch is more of a dream or aspiration than an actual Ranch at the moment. At my current location (unfortunately in the middle of suburbia) I raise Flemish Giant and Mini Lop rabbits, a variety of breeds of laying hens, two dogs, two cats, two parakeets, two cockatiels (apparently two seems to be a favorite number of mine...haha!), and a lovebird. I also have a backyard nursery and small garden. I bake, cook and preserve foods, I'm an avid crafter including crochet, knitting, quilting, sewing, metalworking, and woodworking. There are many other interests of mine that I will discuss on this blog over time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

G'day Y'all!

Howdy! I just wanted to quickly introduce myself and this blog. My name is Katie, I created this blog to share knowledge and resources that I have discovered with the world. So check back often!