Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spin, Spin, Spin!!! Yarn, Yarn, Yarn!

I'm off for an entire week from school!  I'm home and watching Sunday night football with my dad and my dogs next to a really lovely fire.  I could stay this way forever!  Today I decided to finally teach my self to learn to spin using a drop spindle.  I'm so excited!  My yarn is so ugly and beautiful at the same time!

I bought a drop spindle before I went away to school and about 5 oz. of roving to play with while at school.  Needless to say that didn't really happen.  I could never get relaxed enough to justify spending time playing with wool.  But I'm home for a week and the only other things that have my attention is some scholarship applications, my dogs, bunnies, and chickies, my family and quite a bit of time will be spent in the kitchen.

After watching a few videos on this morning, I finally got out my roving and spindle and seriously started to learn.  I'm still in the "park and draft" level of skill but I will improve this week!  I'm really enjoying it and can't wait to be making my own yarn start to finish!